Set targets and budgets

Tutorial: Define targets for the accounts (chart of accounts) and evaluate them with the reports. These are optimal preparations for the fiscal year.


  1. Define goals in accounts
  2. Monitor budget in chart of accounts
  3. Evaluate goals report
Screenshot of the targets report in CashCtrl

1. Define goals in accounts

In Accounts, edit the desired account by double-clicking on it or via Edit at the top. In the dialog window, a lower and / or upper limit is then set under Target.

In the example screenshot, 75,000 is defined as the minimum for the revenue account "from web development".

Screenshot of the edit dialog of an account where targets can be defined

2. Monitor budget in chart of accounts

The "Target" column can be displayed in the account overview. The different coloring directly indicates whether the targets have already been reached or not.

Green: Target reached or exceeded / underspent
Red: Target not yet reached or budget exceeded

Screenshot of the accounts module with tabular chart of accounts, where the target column can be shown

3. Evaluate budget with goals report

In the Reports module, the "Targets" report is provided for evaluation. This report shows all accounts for which a target has been defined. The color scheme is analogous to the table view in the accounts module.

Green: Target reached or exceeded / underspent
Red: Target not yet reached or budget exceeded

Screenshot of the targets report