Fiscal periods in CashCtrl

Fiscal periods in CashCtrl are clear and easy to follow. They can be created independently and individually and can also be managed for overlong or short years.


  1. Add fiscal period
  2. Edit or delete fiscal period
  3. Close fiscal periods (year-end closing)
  4. Reopen a fiscal period
  5. Make adjustments and close again
Screenshot of the fiscal periods dropdown menu

How the fiscal periods work

Fiscal periods in CashCtrl are like brackets enclosing a { specific section } of accounting.
Accounting in CashCtrl is like a continuous, chronologically sorted string.

1. Add fiscal period

Entries can only be created if they fall within the period of an existing fiscal period. The time frames of a fiscal period can be completely different.

Excessively long fiscal years are just as possible as shorter ones. The only condition for fiscal periods is that all periods are contiguous and there is no gap.

A new accounting period is created in the Meta Menu by clicking on the accounting period (e.g. "2023") Manage.

Screenshot of the Add dialog for a new fiscal period

2. Edit or delete fiscal period

The duration of an existing fiscal period cannot be adjusted, only the name. If the period of the existing fiscal period is to be adjusted, a new fiscal period must first be created and then the old one deleted.

A fiscal period can only be deleted if it does not contain any entries or if the period of the entries is covered by another fiscal period.

Screenshot of the fiscal periods management

3. Closing fiscal periods (Year-End Closing)

If a fiscal period is closed, all documents and bookings contained in it are fixed and can no longer be changed. However, a fiscal period can be reopened or unlocked at any time.

Go to year-end closing tutorial 

Screenshot of the checklist for the year-end closing

4. Reopen a fiscal period

Should adjustments still be necessary after the year-end closing, a closed fiscal period can be reopened at any time.
To do this, the closed fiscal period is selected at the top right and reopened via Reopen after a short prompt.

Screenshot of the opened dropdown menu to reopen a fiscal period

5. Make adjustments and close again

After all adjustments have been made, the fiscal period can be protected from changes as usual at the top right via Close.

Important: The entries for the year-end closing, such as profit/ loss appropriation, etc., remain through a reopening, they are not deleted. The year-end closing entries should therefore not be executed again when a reopened fiscal period is closed again.

Screenshot of the year-end entries that remain by reopening a fiscal period